Thursday, April 17, 2008


In the past 3 months I have:

Flown halfway across the world
Been sick in 3 different countries all in 24 hours
Learnt how hard Danish really is to speak
Cycled everywhere
Got lost biking to school
Biked to school in darkness
Biked home in a storm
Been blown off my bike
Crashed my bike
Been involved in a 3 bike pile up
Visited Diana in Silkeborg
Got lost in Silkeborg at night
Seen how the Danes really party
Been to Intro Camp
Lost mobile phone on the train going to Intro Camp
Got off at the wrong Train Station going to Intro Camp
Lost my memory card in my friends laptop
Learnt some more Danish
Met some amazing people
Seen Les Miserables all in Danish..even the songs!!
Turned 18 in Danmark
Had my kiwi friends come to the “Bro” and surprise me
Got free birthday champagne in the club
Got “non alcoholic” drinks brought for us
Walked 6km home in heels
Seen about 20 Handball matches
Been confused for a Brazilian
Been confused for a Londoner
Been to the “beach”
Been to church
Got sunburnt 3 times
Casually driven to Germany to buy alcohol and food
Gone to Copenhagen for the weekend
Casually gone to Sweden to meet up with other New Zealanders
Ridden my bike in the snow
Had a snow ball fight
Built snowmen (harder then it looks)
Become pro at catching trains
Visited 5 churches and surprisingly they were all different!
Gone into a Cave
Had Leticia pop across from UK to see me
Climbed one of the highest mountains in Denmark (100m)
Attended Rotary get together with 150 other exchange students
Been to “interesting” rotary meetings
Performed the Haka 2 times in a dress
Been yelled at 2 times in Danish by my teachers
Gotten 60% in an English grammar test
Met some nice Danish boys
Learnt that Danes don’t snack
Lived with a Danish family
Lived with no lounge
Lived withno host mum
Tried rødgrødmedfløde
Tried the “special” black bread
Done a liquorice shot (with my councillor) at 10am
Communal showered with the girls from my class
Had to explain who the Maoris are
Explained so many times that New Zealand is not part of Australia
Been able to converse in Danish

And most importantly taken LOADS! Of pictures and had an amazing time!!!

There has been other events but these are the ones that came to me


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Megan!

Great to have such a fab update!
And loving all of the pictures - can see that you truly are there!

Keep up the blogging work :-)
We love it here!

Cheers, Wilm

Message from Aidan - I love you so so so much (trying on the charm isn't he?)

Message from Marieke - RAHHHHH. Maybe she has some Viking heritage there too :-)