Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to Skole

I can safely say this will be the last time I start skole ever again...not including University.
Skole started back for me on the 13th August at 720...yes you did read the correctly it is 720am!! It really has to be illegal to wake up that early after nearly a 3 month holiday.

When school starts back in Danmark it is tradition for the 3rd years (me!!) to welcome in the 1st years who are called frogs for some strange reason. So most of the 3rd years lined up in the school and made a path for the 1st years to walk down. This is when it was worth getting up early! We clapped and threw paper and candy and stuck frog stickers on the 1st years as the made their way down the path of 3rd years.
Also at lunch time we steal all their chairs and pile them up in our eating area so the 1st years are made to come and get them and we are all cheering and clapping. Needless to say its awesome being a 3rd year.

My timetable is still having some problems at the moment meaning that this week I only have 7 classes. My host mum thinks this is a problem and wants to contact the skole where I see no problem is this but will try and sort out what classes I’m going to choose.

It feels weird being back at skole, I can understand more this year and the teachers ask me to answer questions which can be a bit daunting but I try my best and if all else fails I just use Dad's motto if in doubt bullshit your way out. Its amazing how just answering ja and nodding and smiling can impress the teachers. But I can understand most of the time about what people are saying to me. I just lack the words to reply now.

Today is actually my 7 months!! amazing yes and also a little freaky how a month went by so fast. My friend actually baked me a cake though and brought it Danish flags so we just finished celebrating. Cant believe I only have 5 months left seems unreal.

Summer is coming to an end :( and it only seems like yesterday that it was beginning
Vi Ses Snart

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